Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
Agar kuat berpuasa sehari penuh di bulan Ramadhan, ada caranya.
Mengakhirkan Sahur dan Menyegerakan Berbuka
Pertama hendaklah kita mengakhirkan waktu sahur dan menyegerakan waktu berbuka.
Rasulullah saw. bersabda: Makan sahurlah kalian, karena pada makan sahur itu terdapat keberkahan. (Shahih Muslim No.1835)
Hadis riwayat Zaid bin Tsabit ra., ia berkata: Kami pernah makan sahur bersama Rasulullah saw. Kemudian kami melaksanakan salat. Kemudian saya bertanya: Berapa lamakah waktu antara keduanya (antara makan sahur dengan salat)? Rasulullah saw. menjawab: Selama bacaan lima puluh ayat. (Shahih Muslim No.1837)
Dari Sahal Ibnu Sa'ad ra bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Orang-orang akan tetap dalam kebaikan selama mereka menyegerakan berbuka." Muttafaq Alaihi.
Menurut riwayat Tirmidzi dari hadits Abu Hurairah ra bahwa Nabi SAW bersabda: "Allah 'Azza wa Jalla berfirman: Hamba-hamba- Ku yang paling Aku cintai adalah mereka yang paling menyegerakan berbuka."
Sebagai contoh, jika adzan Subuh jam 4.30 dan adzan Maghrib jam 6.00, maka berhenti makan sahur atau pun buka puasa jangan lebih dari 50 ayat (sekitar 5 menit) sehingga anda cuma menahan lapar dan haus selama 13 jam 40 menit saja. Biasanya kalau adzan Subur ham 4:30, kami makan sahur jam 4:00 dan bangun untuk mempersiapkan makan pada jam 3:00.
Tetapi jika anda sudah berhenti makan dan minum sejak jam 3:00 dan berbuka jam 18:30, berarti anda menahan lapar dan haus selama 15 ½ jam lebih. Ini bisa membuat tubuh anda jadi lemah dan juga menyalahi sunnah Nabi.
Makanlah Kurma dan Madu Saat Sahur dan Berbuka
Agar kuat berpuasa, coba makan 3 butir kurma dan 2 sendok makan madu setelah makan sahur. Begitu pula ketika berbuka puasa. Minum juga air secukupnya (minimal 3 gelas) agar anda tidak dehidrasi.
Dari Sulaiman Ibnu Amir Al-Dlobby bahwa Nabi SAW bersabda: "Apabila seseorang di antara kamu berbuka, hendaknya ia berbuka dengan kurma, jika tidak mendapatkannya, hendaknya ia berbuka dengan air karena air itu suci." Riwayat Imam Lima. Hadits shahih menurut Ibnu Khuzaimah, Ibnu Hibban, dan Hakim.
Kurma dan Madu kandungan kalorinya cukup tinggi dan bisa memberi anda energi yang cukup untuk beraktifitas. Selain itu makanan 4 sehat dan 5 sempurna seperti buah-buahan juga jangan dilupakan:
“Kemudian makanlah dari tiap macam buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan bagimu. Dari perut lebah itu ke luar minuman madu yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia.” [An Nahl:69]
Tetap Berolahraga
Untuk menjaga kondisi badan, tetaplah berolahraga meski intensitasnya agak dikurangi. Jalan kaki atau lari pagi selama 30 menit tidak masalah. Meski anda berkeringat, lelah, dan haus, setelah mandi pagi atau mandi sore insya Allah badan anda segar kembali. Kebersihan adalah sebagian dari iman. Oleh karena itu meski berpuasa, kita tetap boleh mandi pada waktu pagi dan petang selama tidak berlebihan.
Ibnu Mas'ud berkata, "Jika salah seorang di antara kamu berpuasa, maka hendaklah pada pagi harinya ia dalam keadaan berharum-haruman serta rambut yang tersisir rapi."[HR Bukhari]
Anas berkata, "Saya mempunyai telaga dan saya suka menceburkan diri di dalamnya, sedang saya saat itu sedang berpuasa."[HR Bukhari]
Disebutkan dari Nabi saw. bahwa beliau menggosok giginya dengan siwak, sedangkan beliau pada saat itu berpuasa.[HR Bukhari]
Ibnu Umar berkata, "Orang yang berpuasa boleh bersiwak pada permulaan hari dan akhir hari (yakni pada pagi hari dan sore hari) dan tidak boleh menelan ludahnya."[HR Bukhari]
Lakukanlah shalat Tarawih, karena selain sunnah Nabi, juga memberi ketenangan hati dan juga kesehatan:
Allah 'Azza wajalla mewajibkan puasa Ramadhan dan aku mensunahkan shalat malam harinya. Barangsiapa berpuasa dan shalat malam dengan mengharap pahala (keridhoan) Allah, maka dia keluar dari dosanya seperti bayi yang baru dilahirkan oleh ibunya. (HR. Ahmad)
Terakhir agar anda kuat berpuasa, anda harus berniat puasa di bulan Ramadhan demi Allah ta’ala di dalam hati. Niat ini selain membuat anda lebih kuat juga merupakan syarat agar puasa anda diterima Allah.
Meski puasa Ramadhan itu wajib, namun untuk orang-orang yang sakit, orang yang bepergian, atau pun orang yang lanjut usia ada keringanan untuk tidak mengerjakannya.
“...Maka barangsiapa diantara kamu ada yang sakit atau dalam perjalanan (lalu ia berbuka), maka (wajiblah baginya berpuasa) sebanyak hari yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari-hari yang lain. Dan wajib bagi orang-orang yang berat menjalankannya (jika mereka tidak berpuasa) membayar fidyah, (yaitu): memberi makan seorang miskin...” [Al Baqarah:184]
Meski demikian, jangan terlalu khawatir. Sebagai contoh, saat Ramadhan sering ditampilkan iklan obat penyakit maag agar ketika puasa tidak terganggu. Alhamdulillah meski ketika kuliah pernah kena penyakit maag, penyakit tersebut jarang menimpa saya hingga kini meski tidak minum obat penyakit maag tersebut. Yang penting makan teratur, dan pikiran harus tenang dengan tawakkal kepada Allah.
Media Islam – Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur’an dan Hadits
Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009
What's The Minimum I Need To Retire?
Can I retire with $1 million dollars? Of course you can. Truth be told, you might be able to retire with much less. Then again, you might not be able to retire with $1 million or $2 million or perhaps even $10 million. It all depends on your personal situation. On thing is sure: you want to make sure your golden years are golden, not merely a struggle for existence. (To learn more read, 10 Steps To Retire A Millionaire.)
Most advisors and financial professionals have been able to boil it down to one number, also known as the holy grail of retirement analysis: the amazing 4% sustainable withdrawal rate. Essentially, this is the amount you can withdraw through thick and thin and still expect your portfolio to last at least 30 years, if not longer. This will determine how long your retirement savings will last, and will help you determine how much money you need for the retirement you want.
So, I Can Retire With $1 Million?
If you are 65 with $1 million, you can expect your portfolio of properly diversified investments to provide $40,000 per year (in today's dollars ) until you are 95. Add that to your Social Security income and you should be bringing in roughly $70,000 a year. (Find out how much additional income you can expect in How Much Social Security Will You Get?)
Now, if this isn't enough for you to maintain the lifestyle you want, you have come to your unfortunate answer rather quickly: no, you cannot retire with $1 million.
Now wait a minute, you say, what about my spouse, who is also getting Social Security? What if I'm 75, not 65? What if I want to die broke? What if I'm getting a government pension and benefits? What if I'm planning to retire in Costa Rica? There are many "what ifs", but the math is still the math: If you plan on needing a lot more than $40,000 from you retirement nest egg, then the probability of a successful retirement on $1 million is not good.
Projecting Future Expenses
There are a lot of books and articles that discuss longevity risks, sequence of returns, healthcare costs and debt. But knowing how much you need to retire still boils down to projecting your future expenses until the day you die. Ideally, that yearly figure will add up to less than 4% of your nest egg.
So a $1 million dollar portfolio should give you, at most, $40,000 to budget. If you are forced to take out more than $40,000 adjusted for time during your retirement, you are tempting fate and relying on luck to get you by. So, if you want at least $40,000 per year, $1 million is really the least amount of money - the bare minimum - you should have before you launch into retirement.
Retirement planning means maximizing your lifestyle while maintaining a high probability of being able to maintain that lifestyle until the day you die. So scraping together a bare minimum nest egg is like an explorer heading into the jungle for a week with just enough supplies. What if something happens? Why not take extra? As a result, for the vast majority of people, $1 million is not enough if you want a high probability of a great retirement. (For a deeper analysis of this issue, see Can You Retire On $1 Million?)
Three Types Of Retirees
Typically, we see three categories of people trying to decide if they are ready to retire:
1. "Of course you can retire! Live it up and enjoy!" If you are at least in your 70s with reasonable expenses, then there is a good chance you and your $1 million fall in this category.
2. "The probability for your retirement looks good. Just don't go crazy and buy a Porsche." If you are at least 62 and have always lived a frugal lifestyle, then you and your $1 million are likely going to fall in this category.
3. "Let's redefine retirement for you." This is just about everyone else - including early retirees with $1 million living frugally and 70-year-olds with $1 million spending lavishly.
Early retirement, meaning before Social Security and Medicare kick in, with only $1 million is extremely risky. You leave yourself with so few options if things go terribly wrong. Sure, you can go to Costa Rica and eat fish tacos every day. But what if you want to move back to the U.S. someday? What if you want to change? Having more money set aside will provide you with more flexibility and increase the likelihood of continued financial independence to do what you want within reason until the day you die. If you are forced to stay in Costa Rica or get a job, then you didn't make a good decision and plan. (Learn more about a working retirement in Stretch Your Savings By Working Into Your 70s.)
So, once you have your $1 million, concentrate on what you can control - or at least affect. You can't control when you die but you can affect your health costs by doing your best to stay healthy until you qualify for Medicare. You can't control investment returns but you can affect the range of returns. You can't control inflation but you can affect your fixed costs and your variable costs.
Spending and Expenses
A few quick bits on expenses and spending. To a certain extent, retirement planning is the art of accurately matching future income with expenses. People seem to ignore certain expenses. For example, family vacations and a grandchild's wedding gift count the same as dental surgery and car repairs in retirement planning, but people neither include these enjoyable expenses when they are projecting their costs nor do they recognize how hard it is to cut them - try telling one child that you can't help with his wedding after paying for your other children's weddings!
As a general rule, people who try to determine the minimum amount of retirement savings are usually the least likely to retire. Just getting by isn't a good way to start 30+ years of unemployment and diminishing employability. If something unexpected happens, what are your options? Re-enter the work force, change your lifestyle or get more aggressive with your investments? Most people try the latter and pray. Some get lucky, but most don't. This is the equivalent of doubling down in black jack.
If you want to retire with $1 million dollars, it is going to come down to a combination of 1) how you define retirement, 2) your personal inventory of everything in your life: assets, debts, medical, family, etc. and 3) what the future holds. Remember, stuff happens in life. Do you really want to start this 30+ year adventure with the bare minimum? Retirement is like most good things, it is much better to be overprepared than to wing it. You can you retire with $1 million dollars, but it's better to be safe than sorry – shoot for $2 million!
Most advisors and financial professionals have been able to boil it down to one number, also known as the holy grail of retirement analysis: the amazing 4% sustainable withdrawal rate. Essentially, this is the amount you can withdraw through thick and thin and still expect your portfolio to last at least 30 years, if not longer. This will determine how long your retirement savings will last, and will help you determine how much money you need for the retirement you want.
So, I Can Retire With $1 Million?
If you are 65 with $1 million, you can expect your portfolio of properly diversified investments to provide $40,000 per year (in today's dollars ) until you are 95. Add that to your Social Security income and you should be bringing in roughly $70,000 a year. (Find out how much additional income you can expect in How Much Social Security Will You Get?)
Now, if this isn't enough for you to maintain the lifestyle you want, you have come to your unfortunate answer rather quickly: no, you cannot retire with $1 million.
Now wait a minute, you say, what about my spouse, who is also getting Social Security? What if I'm 75, not 65? What if I want to die broke? What if I'm getting a government pension and benefits? What if I'm planning to retire in Costa Rica? There are many "what ifs", but the math is still the math: If you plan on needing a lot more than $40,000 from you retirement nest egg, then the probability of a successful retirement on $1 million is not good.
Projecting Future Expenses
There are a lot of books and articles that discuss longevity risks, sequence of returns, healthcare costs and debt. But knowing how much you need to retire still boils down to projecting your future expenses until the day you die. Ideally, that yearly figure will add up to less than 4% of your nest egg.
So a $1 million dollar portfolio should give you, at most, $40,000 to budget. If you are forced to take out more than $40,000 adjusted for time during your retirement, you are tempting fate and relying on luck to get you by. So, if you want at least $40,000 per year, $1 million is really the least amount of money - the bare minimum - you should have before you launch into retirement.
Retirement planning means maximizing your lifestyle while maintaining a high probability of being able to maintain that lifestyle until the day you die. So scraping together a bare minimum nest egg is like an explorer heading into the jungle for a week with just enough supplies. What if something happens? Why not take extra? As a result, for the vast majority of people, $1 million is not enough if you want a high probability of a great retirement. (For a deeper analysis of this issue, see Can You Retire On $1 Million?)
Three Types Of Retirees
Typically, we see three categories of people trying to decide if they are ready to retire:
1. "Of course you can retire! Live it up and enjoy!" If you are at least in your 70s with reasonable expenses, then there is a good chance you and your $1 million fall in this category.
2. "The probability for your retirement looks good. Just don't go crazy and buy a Porsche." If you are at least 62 and have always lived a frugal lifestyle, then you and your $1 million are likely going to fall in this category.
3. "Let's redefine retirement for you." This is just about everyone else - including early retirees with $1 million living frugally and 70-year-olds with $1 million spending lavishly.
Early retirement, meaning before Social Security and Medicare kick in, with only $1 million is extremely risky. You leave yourself with so few options if things go terribly wrong. Sure, you can go to Costa Rica and eat fish tacos every day. But what if you want to move back to the U.S. someday? What if you want to change? Having more money set aside will provide you with more flexibility and increase the likelihood of continued financial independence to do what you want within reason until the day you die. If you are forced to stay in Costa Rica or get a job, then you didn't make a good decision and plan. (Learn more about a working retirement in Stretch Your Savings By Working Into Your 70s.)
So, once you have your $1 million, concentrate on what you can control - or at least affect. You can't control when you die but you can affect your health costs by doing your best to stay healthy until you qualify for Medicare. You can't control investment returns but you can affect the range of returns. You can't control inflation but you can affect your fixed costs and your variable costs.
Spending and Expenses
A few quick bits on expenses and spending. To a certain extent, retirement planning is the art of accurately matching future income with expenses. People seem to ignore certain expenses. For example, family vacations and a grandchild's wedding gift count the same as dental surgery and car repairs in retirement planning, but people neither include these enjoyable expenses when they are projecting their costs nor do they recognize how hard it is to cut them - try telling one child that you can't help with his wedding after paying for your other children's weddings!
As a general rule, people who try to determine the minimum amount of retirement savings are usually the least likely to retire. Just getting by isn't a good way to start 30+ years of unemployment and diminishing employability. If something unexpected happens, what are your options? Re-enter the work force, change your lifestyle or get more aggressive with your investments? Most people try the latter and pray. Some get lucky, but most don't. This is the equivalent of doubling down in black jack.
If you want to retire with $1 million dollars, it is going to come down to a combination of 1) how you define retirement, 2) your personal inventory of everything in your life: assets, debts, medical, family, etc. and 3) what the future holds. Remember, stuff happens in life. Do you really want to start this 30+ year adventure with the bare minimum? Retirement is like most good things, it is much better to be overprepared than to wing it. You can you retire with $1 million dollars, but it's better to be safe than sorry – shoot for $2 million!
Kamis, 02 Juli 2009
Rabu, 22 April 2009
Warren Buffett's Bear Market Maneuvers
In times of economic decline, many investors ask themselves, "What strategies does the Oracle of Omaha employ to keep Berkshire Hathaway on target?" The answer is that the esteemed Warren Buffett, the most successful known investor of all time, rarely changes his long-term value investment strategy and regards down markets as an opportunity to buy good companies at reasonable prices. In this article, we will cover the Buffett investment philosophy and stock-selection criteria with specific emphasis on their application in a down market and a slowing economy. (For more on Warren Buffett and his current holdings, sign up for our Coattail Investor newsletter.)
The Buffett Investment Philosophy
Buffett has a set of definitive assumptions about what constitutes a "good investment". These focus on the quality of the business rather than the short-term or near-future share price or market moves. He takes a long-term, large scale, business value-based investment approach that concentrates on good fundamentals and intrinsic business value, rather than the share price. (For further reading, see Warren Buffett: The Road To Riches and What Is Warren Buffett's Investing Style?)
Buffett looks for businesses with "a durable competitive advantage." What he means by this is that the company has a market position, market share, branding or other long-lasting edge over its competitors that either prevents easy access by competitors or controls a scarce raw-material source. (For more insight, see Competitive Advantage Counts, 3 Secrets Of Successful Companies and Economic Moats Keep Competitors At Bay.)
Buffett employs a selective contrarian investment strategy: using his investment criteria to identify and select good companies, he can then make large investments (millions of shares) when the market and the share price are depressed and when other investors may be selling.
In addition, he assumes the following points to be true:
* The global economy is complex and unpredictable.
* The economy and the stock market do not move in sync.
* The market discount mechanism moves instantly to incorporate news into the share price.
* The returns of long-term equities cannot be matched anywhere else.
Buffett Investment Activity
Berkshire Hathaway investment industries over the years have included:
* Insurance
* Soft drinks
* Private jet aircraft
* Chocolates
* Shoes
* Jewelry
* Publishing
* Furniture
* Steel
* Energy
* Home building
The industries listed above vary widely, so what are the common criteria used to separate the good investments from the bad?
Buffett Investment Criteria
Berkshire Hathaway relies on an extensive research-and-analysis team that goes through reams of data to guide their investment decisions. While all the details of the specific techniques used are not made public, the following 10 requirements are all common among Berkshire Hathaway investments:
1. The candidate company has to be in a good and growing economy or industry.
2. It must enjoy a consumer monopoly or have a loyalty-commanding brand.
3. It cannot be vulnerable to competition from anyone with abundant resources.
4. Its earnings have to be on an upward trend with good and consistent profit margins.
5. The company must enjoy a low debt/equity ratio or a high earnings/debt ratio.
6. It must have high and consistent returns on invested capital.
7. The company must have a history of retaining earnings for growth.
8. It cannot have high maintenance costs of operations, high capital expenditure or investment cash flow.
9. The company must demonstrate a history of reinvesting earnings in good business opportunities, and its management needs a good track record of profiting from these investments.
10. The company must be free to adjust prices for inflation.
The Buffett Investment Strategy
Buffett makes concentrated purchases. In a downturn, he buys millions of shares of solid businesses at reasonable prices. Buffett does not buy tech shares because he doesn't understand their business or industry; during the dotcom boom, he avoided investing in tech companies because he felt they hadn't been around long enough to provide sufficient performance history for his purposes.
And even in a bear market, although Buffett had billions of dollars in cash to make investments, in his 2009 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, he declared that cash held beyond the bottom would be eroded by inflation in the recovery.
Buffett deals only with large companies because he needs to make massive investments to garner the returns required to post excellent results for the huge size to which his company, Berkshire Hathaway, has grown. (To learn about the disadvantage of being confined to blue chip stocks, read Why Warren Buffett Envies You.)
Buffett's selective contrarian style in a bear market includes making some large investments in blue chip stocks when their stock price is very low. And Buffett might get an even better deal than the average investor: His ability to supply billions of dollars in cash infusion investments earns him special conditions and opportunities not available to others. His investments often are in a class of secured stock with its dividends assured and future stock warrants available at below-market prices.
Buffett's strategy for coping with a down market is to approach it as an opportunity to buy good companies at reasonable prices. Buffett has developed an investment model that has worked for him and the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders over a long period of time. His investment strategy is long term and selective, incorporating a stringent set of requirements prior to an investment decision being made. Buffett also benefits from a huge cash "war chest" that can be used to buy millions of shares at a time, providing an ever-ready opportunity to earn huge returns.
For further reading, see Think Like Warren Buffett and Warren Buffett's Best Buys.
The Buffett Investment Philosophy
Buffett has a set of definitive assumptions about what constitutes a "good investment". These focus on the quality of the business rather than the short-term or near-future share price or market moves. He takes a long-term, large scale, business value-based investment approach that concentrates on good fundamentals and intrinsic business value, rather than the share price. (For further reading, see Warren Buffett: The Road To Riches and What Is Warren Buffett's Investing Style?)
Buffett looks for businesses with "a durable competitive advantage." What he means by this is that the company has a market position, market share, branding or other long-lasting edge over its competitors that either prevents easy access by competitors or controls a scarce raw-material source. (For more insight, see Competitive Advantage Counts, 3 Secrets Of Successful Companies and Economic Moats Keep Competitors At Bay.)
Buffett employs a selective contrarian investment strategy: using his investment criteria to identify and select good companies, he can then make large investments (millions of shares) when the market and the share price are depressed and when other investors may be selling.
In addition, he assumes the following points to be true:
* The global economy is complex and unpredictable.
* The economy and the stock market do not move in sync.
* The market discount mechanism moves instantly to incorporate news into the share price.
* The returns of long-term equities cannot be matched anywhere else.
Buffett Investment Activity
Berkshire Hathaway investment industries over the years have included:
* Insurance
* Soft drinks
* Private jet aircraft
* Chocolates
* Shoes
* Jewelry
* Publishing
* Furniture
* Steel
* Energy
* Home building
The industries listed above vary widely, so what are the common criteria used to separate the good investments from the bad?
Buffett Investment Criteria
Berkshire Hathaway relies on an extensive research-and-analysis team that goes through reams of data to guide their investment decisions. While all the details of the specific techniques used are not made public, the following 10 requirements are all common among Berkshire Hathaway investments:
1. The candidate company has to be in a good and growing economy or industry.
2. It must enjoy a consumer monopoly or have a loyalty-commanding brand.
3. It cannot be vulnerable to competition from anyone with abundant resources.
4. Its earnings have to be on an upward trend with good and consistent profit margins.
5. The company must enjoy a low debt/equity ratio or a high earnings/debt ratio.
6. It must have high and consistent returns on invested capital.
7. The company must have a history of retaining earnings for growth.
8. It cannot have high maintenance costs of operations, high capital expenditure or investment cash flow.
9. The company must demonstrate a history of reinvesting earnings in good business opportunities, and its management needs a good track record of profiting from these investments.
10. The company must be free to adjust prices for inflation.
The Buffett Investment Strategy
Buffett makes concentrated purchases. In a downturn, he buys millions of shares of solid businesses at reasonable prices. Buffett does not buy tech shares because he doesn't understand their business or industry; during the dotcom boom, he avoided investing in tech companies because he felt they hadn't been around long enough to provide sufficient performance history for his purposes.
And even in a bear market, although Buffett had billions of dollars in cash to make investments, in his 2009 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, he declared that cash held beyond the bottom would be eroded by inflation in the recovery.
Buffett deals only with large companies because he needs to make massive investments to garner the returns required to post excellent results for the huge size to which his company, Berkshire Hathaway, has grown. (To learn about the disadvantage of being confined to blue chip stocks, read Why Warren Buffett Envies You.)
Buffett's selective contrarian style in a bear market includes making some large investments in blue chip stocks when their stock price is very low. And Buffett might get an even better deal than the average investor: His ability to supply billions of dollars in cash infusion investments earns him special conditions and opportunities not available to others. His investments often are in a class of secured stock with its dividends assured and future stock warrants available at below-market prices.
Buffett's strategy for coping with a down market is to approach it as an opportunity to buy good companies at reasonable prices. Buffett has developed an investment model that has worked for him and the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders over a long period of time. His investment strategy is long term and selective, incorporating a stringent set of requirements prior to an investment decision being made. Buffett also benefits from a huge cash "war chest" that can be used to buy millions of shares at a time, providing an ever-ready opportunity to earn huge returns.
For further reading, see Think Like Warren Buffett and Warren Buffett's Best Buys.
Jumat, 06 Februari 2009
Listrik Tenaga Gravitasi Hebohkan Pamekasan
Selasa, 3 Februari 2009 | 22:50 WIB
*PAMEKASAN*, SELASA—Setelah pembangkit listrik Jodhipati buatan Djoko
Suprapto, kini giliran pembangkit listrik tenaga gravitasi yang kini mulai
membuat heboh. Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Pamekasan, Madura, Jawa Timur,
bahkan memastikan akan membantu pengurusan paten penemuan energi listrik
tenaga gravitasi oleh Djoko Pasiro (40) warga Kampung Pongkoran, Kelurahan
Gladak Anyar, Kecamatan Kota, Pamekasan itu.
"Kami akan membantu mengurus semua kelengkapan administrasinya untuk
mendapatkan hak paten atas temuan Pak Djoko ini," kata Staf Ahli Bidang
Kemasyarakatan dan Sumberdaya Manusia Pemkab, Drs. Abd Razak Bahman, Selasa
Bahkan, kata mantan Kabag Kesra itu, Pemkab juga akan menyediakan dana
khusus dari APBD. Sebab penemuan energi listrik tenaga gravitasi Djoko
Pasiro tersebut juga merupakan aset bagi pemerintah daerah dan warga Madura
pada umumnya.
"Kalau dimanfaatkan secara optimal dengan modal yang cukup, saya yakin di
Madura, khususnya di Pamekasan tidak akan pernah kekurangan energi listrik,"
Dalam penemuannya, Djoko mengandalkan gravitasi bumi untuk menghasilkan
energi listrik. Energi listrik tersebut murni berasal dari kekuatan alam dan
tidak ada bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang digunakan untuk menggerakkan mekanik
penarik dinamo generator.
Menurut Abd Razak Bahman, temuan Djoko Pasiro tersebut, memang murni
merupakan temuan teknologi canggih, bukan rekayasa sebagaimana pernah
terjadi di daerah lain. Hal itu setelah Pemkab dan Bupati Pamekasan meninjau
langsung ke rumah Djoko Pasiro, Senin (2/2).
"Dari hasil kunjungan itulah bupati lalu memerintahkan kami untuk
menguruskan hak paten hasil kekayaan intelektual Pak Siro ini. Sekaligus
dengan dananya. Sebab dia sendiri merasa kesulitan untuk mengurusnya,"
Temuan energi listrik tenaga gravitasi yang spektakuler warga Kelurahan
Gladak Anyar itu, kini sudah dimanfaatkan penerangan kebutuhan listrik di
rumahnya dan tetangga sekitar Djoko Pasiro di Kampung Patemun. Terkait
penemuannya itu, Djoko menyatakan kesiapannya diuji secara ilmiah.
Bahkan warga yang kesehariannya bekerja sebagai tukang servis elektronik itu
juga mengaku pernah mempresentasikan penemuannya itu di Yogyakarta di sebuah
lembaga penelitian teknologi. Bahkan ketika itu temuan Djoko tersebut sudah
ditawar Rp5 miliar, tapi lulusan Sekolah Teknik Mesin (STM) Pamekasan itu
menolak dengan alasan ingin mengembangkannya di Madura.
"Dengan uang sejumlah itu saya bisa membeli rumah baru dan fasilitas
lainnya, tapi saya tetap merasa rugi. Sebab saya seolah tidak punya temuan,
karena menjadi milik orang lain," terangnya.
Menurut Djoko Pasiro, temuan itu merupakan hasil penelitian yang ia lakukan
selama puluhan tahun, sejak belajar di bangku sekolah.
"Saya bersedia menjelaskan secara ilmiah dan mempraktekkan ke publik
nantinya apabila temuan saya sudah memiliki hak cipta," katanya menjelaskan.
Selain akan menguruskan hak patennya, Pemkab juga berjanji akan membantu
Djoko untuk mencarikan investor nantinya.
"Kami berharap, kalaupun nanti sudah ada investor setelah ada hak paten,
pengembangan lebih lanjut tetap di Pamekasan. Sehingga, kalau harus
diproduksi masal, pabriknya harus di sini," kata Bupati Pamekasan
Menurut Djoko Pasiro, pihaknya sudah menyiapkan tujuh tipe dari temuannya
itu dan semuanya sudah dihitung secara ilmiah. Masing-masing tipe
menunjukkan besarnya watt yang akan dihasilkan. Yakni antara 2.500 watt
untuk hingga ribuan megawatt dengan biaya sekitar Rp 15 juta hingga ratusan
juta rupiah bergantung pada tipe masing-masing.
"Kalau tipe yang menghasilkan 2.500 watt seperti yang sudah saya coba itu
hanya Rp15 juta. Tapi kalo hingga tipe yang ribuan megawatt tentunya kisaran
ratusan juta," terangnya.
Sumber : Antara
Selasa, 3 Februari 2009 | 22:50 WIB
*PAMEKASAN*, SELASA—Setelah pembangkit listrik Jodhipati buatan Djoko
Suprapto, kini giliran pembangkit listrik tenaga gravitasi yang kini mulai
membuat heboh. Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Pamekasan, Madura, Jawa Timur,
bahkan memastikan akan membantu pengurusan paten penemuan energi listrik
tenaga gravitasi oleh Djoko Pasiro (40) warga Kampung Pongkoran, Kelurahan
Gladak Anyar, Kecamatan Kota, Pamekasan itu.
"Kami akan membantu mengurus semua kelengkapan administrasinya untuk
mendapatkan hak paten atas temuan Pak Djoko ini," kata Staf Ahli Bidang
Kemasyarakatan dan Sumberdaya Manusia Pemkab, Drs. Abd Razak Bahman, Selasa
Bahkan, kata mantan Kabag Kesra itu, Pemkab juga akan menyediakan dana
khusus dari APBD. Sebab penemuan energi listrik tenaga gravitasi Djoko
Pasiro tersebut juga merupakan aset bagi pemerintah daerah dan warga Madura
pada umumnya.
"Kalau dimanfaatkan secara optimal dengan modal yang cukup, saya yakin di
Madura, khususnya di Pamekasan tidak akan pernah kekurangan energi listrik,"
Dalam penemuannya, Djoko mengandalkan gravitasi bumi untuk menghasilkan
energi listrik. Energi listrik tersebut murni berasal dari kekuatan alam dan
tidak ada bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang digunakan untuk menggerakkan mekanik
penarik dinamo generator.
Menurut Abd Razak Bahman, temuan Djoko Pasiro tersebut, memang murni
merupakan temuan teknologi canggih, bukan rekayasa sebagaimana pernah
terjadi di daerah lain. Hal itu setelah Pemkab dan Bupati Pamekasan meninjau
langsung ke rumah Djoko Pasiro, Senin (2/2).
"Dari hasil kunjungan itulah bupati lalu memerintahkan kami untuk
menguruskan hak paten hasil kekayaan intelektual Pak Siro ini. Sekaligus
dengan dananya. Sebab dia sendiri merasa kesulitan untuk mengurusnya,"
Temuan energi listrik tenaga gravitasi yang spektakuler warga Kelurahan
Gladak Anyar itu, kini sudah dimanfaatkan penerangan kebutuhan listrik di
rumahnya dan tetangga sekitar Djoko Pasiro di Kampung Patemun. Terkait
penemuannya itu, Djoko menyatakan kesiapannya diuji secara ilmiah.
Bahkan warga yang kesehariannya bekerja sebagai tukang servis elektronik itu
juga mengaku pernah mempresentasikan penemuannya itu di Yogyakarta di sebuah
lembaga penelitian teknologi. Bahkan ketika itu temuan Djoko tersebut sudah
ditawar Rp5 miliar, tapi lulusan Sekolah Teknik Mesin (STM) Pamekasan itu
menolak dengan alasan ingin mengembangkannya di Madura.
"Dengan uang sejumlah itu saya bisa membeli rumah baru dan fasilitas
lainnya, tapi saya tetap merasa rugi. Sebab saya seolah tidak punya temuan,
karena menjadi milik orang lain," terangnya.
Menurut Djoko Pasiro, temuan itu merupakan hasil penelitian yang ia lakukan
selama puluhan tahun, sejak belajar di bangku sekolah.
"Saya bersedia menjelaskan secara ilmiah dan mempraktekkan ke publik
nantinya apabila temuan saya sudah memiliki hak cipta," katanya menjelaskan.
Selain akan menguruskan hak patennya, Pemkab juga berjanji akan membantu
Djoko untuk mencarikan investor nantinya.
"Kami berharap, kalaupun nanti sudah ada investor setelah ada hak paten,
pengembangan lebih lanjut tetap di Pamekasan. Sehingga, kalau harus
diproduksi masal, pabriknya harus di sini," kata Bupati Pamekasan
Menurut Djoko Pasiro, pihaknya sudah menyiapkan tujuh tipe dari temuannya
itu dan semuanya sudah dihitung secara ilmiah. Masing-masing tipe
menunjukkan besarnya watt yang akan dihasilkan. Yakni antara 2.500 watt
untuk hingga ribuan megawatt dengan biaya sekitar Rp 15 juta hingga ratusan
juta rupiah bergantung pada tipe masing-masing.
"Kalau tipe yang menghasilkan 2.500 watt seperti yang sudah saya coba itu
hanya Rp15 juta. Tapi kalo hingga tipe yang ribuan megawatt tentunya kisaran
ratusan juta," terangnya.
Sumber : Antara
Selasa, 27 Januari 2009
मिचेल जैक्सन मसुक islam
Michael Jackson Memeluk Islam—Bintang pop ternamaMichael
Jackson (50) telah menjadi seorang Muslim - dan berubah nama-nya
menjadi Mikaeel (Mikail), salah satu nama malaika yang dikenal dalam
demikian ia akrab disapa dikabarkan telah mengucapkan dua kalimat
syahadat di sebuah rumah karibnya di Los Angeles. Sebagaimana dikutip The Sun, kakak penyanyi Janet Jackson ini beralih menjadi Muslim dalam sebuah acara kecil yang dihadiri seorang imam.
Sebuah sumber menyebut, Jacko mengucapkan syahadat di sebuah studio kecil di rumah sahabat karibnya dalam reekaman album baru.
mulai membicarakan mengenai kepercayaan yang dianutnya (Islam), dan
mengatakan bagaimana kehidupan mereka menjadi baik setelah menganut
agama barunya itu. Setelah itu Michael merasa tersentuh dengan ide
masuk Islam,” kata seorang sumber Jumat (21/11).
Sebagaimana diberitakan, Jacho sebelumnya menolak menggunakan nama baru Mustafa. Ia justru lebih memilih nama Mikaeel (Mikail).
Jackson telah mengalami pengembaraan ruhani yang cukup lama setelah
kehidupannya banyak didera masalah. Sebelum ini, ia bahkan dikabarkan
telah akrab dan dekat dengan jamaah Nation of Islam pimpinan Louis Farrakhan.
permasalahan berat yang dialami Jacko, membuat saudara Jermaine
Jackson, pernah meminta agar artis yang selalu kontroversial ini
memilih Islam sebagai pelindung. Jermaine pernah mengusulkan agar
Jacko pergi ke negeri Islam di mana orang shalat 5 kali sehari.
Nampaknya, Michael Jackson memikirkan masalah itu.[thesun/ntpost/cha/]—Bintang pop ternamaMichael
Jackson (50) telah menjadi seorang Muslim - dan berubah nama-nya
menjadi Mikaeel (Mikail), salah satu nama malaika yang dikenal dalam
demikian ia akrab disapa dikabarkan telah mengucapkan dua kalimat
syahadat di sebuah rumah karibnya di Los Angeles. Sebagaimana dikutip The Sun, kakak penyanyi Janet Jackson ini beralih menjadi Muslim dalam sebuah acara kecil yang dihadiri seorang imam.
Sebuah sumber menyebut, Jacko mengucapkan syahadat di sebuah studio kecil di rumah sahabat karibnya dalam reekaman album baru.
mulai membicarakan mengenai kepercayaan yang dianutnya (Islam), dan
mengatakan bagaimana kehidupan mereka menjadi baik setelah menganut
agama barunya itu. Setelah itu Michael merasa tersentuh dengan ide
masuk Islam,” kata seorang sumber Jumat (21/11).
Sebagaimana diberitakan, Jacho sebelumnya menolak menggunakan nama baru Mustafa. Ia justru lebih memilih nama Mikaeel (Mikail).
Jackson telah mengalami pengembaraan ruhani yang cukup lama setelah
kehidupannya banyak didera masalah. Sebelum ini, ia bahkan dikabarkan
telah akrab dan dekat dengan jamaah Nation of Islam pimpinan Louis Farrakhan.
permasalahan berat yang dialami Jacko, membuat saudara Jermaine
Jackson, pernah meminta agar artis yang selalu kontroversial ini
memilih Islam sebagai pelindung. Jermaine pernah mengusulkan agar
Jacko pergi ke negeri Islam di mana orang shalat 5 kali sehari.
Nampaknya, Michael Jackson memikirkan masalah itu.[thesun/ntpost/cha/]
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